Sunday, April 26, 2009

Martial Arts in the Olympics v.2.0?

What do you think about taking Judo, TKD and other martial arts and combining them into a martial arts category like gymnastics?

It would be organized like a martial arts tournaments with categories like forms, point sparring, grappling, etc. Each country would field a team that would accumulate points from each category and individual as well as team medals would be awarded.

I've been thinking about this for a while, but I'd like to hear from 'the community'. We could start a petition.

Martial Arts in the Olympics v.2.0?
That was the first thing I thought when I heard they were considering putting karate in the Olympics. For all purposes related to awarding points, karate and tae kwon do are the exact same thing; why make them different categories? That's just going to confuse people about the differences between styles.

It would indeed make more sense to have Martial Arts--wrestling, forms, and point sparring.
Reply:don't like it
Reply:They should host a Kumite style tournament in the Olympics. No particular style or form of martial art (just no weapons). Weight classes optional.
Reply:Doesn't interest me at all.

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