Monday, May 17, 2010

What type of martial arts promote 50% hand and 50% fight?

I have a very strong upper body and a strong lower body. I would like to know kind of martial arts that I can join that will allow me to use 50% hand and 50% fight.

What type of martial arts promote 50% hand and 50% fight?
Good answers so far.

The styles you should be looking for in that department would be certain styles of Kung Fu (It's really that you try to use your whole body as a weapon), Tae Kwon Do (The ONLY style I've done with 50/50 hand/leg striking is Moo Duk Kwan, but there's bound to be others [I've heard some good about Songham Tae Kwon Do, but I don't know about the ratio actually]), Karate (The one that is really likely to be 50/50, but would still depend on the school/style), Kempo (Usually more hand striking than leg striking, but again: Search the school, and the style), and more. I would suggest Muay Thai too, but I don't think that is 50/50 actually

Good luck.
Reply:Tae Kwon Do
Reply:50% fight? if you mean foot, then most types of kung fu. And lolz at the person who said tae kwon do...
Reply:definitley tae kwon doe its also a great work out
Reply:Any form of Karate. Shotokan, Shorin Ryu, Kokushinkai. Any Karate style generally promotes a 50/50 split.

Where as TKD promotes a more 70/30 mix feet and hands.

Most important though, find a school with a good certified teacher who knows what they are doing. 50/50 or not, if they are a bad teacher you will not learn well.
Reply:i dont know what you mean by 50% 'fight' since you said strong lower body imma guess you mean foot/legs/kicks

lol i wouldnt think taekwondo would be 50/50 more like 20/80(hands/feets)

try looking into some form of kickboxing: muay thai, san shou, american(however american kickboxing fights tend to have a kicking requirement so they may favor kicks a lil more), also some karates are pretty good like kyokushin karate, and some kung fus like wing chun

sometimes it just depends on your teacher though. where i practice thai boxing we focus less on kicks but the place i used to train had a heavy emphasis on kicks
Reply:50-50 would be Okinowan or Japanese Karate-Do or SOUTHERN style Chinese Gong Fu.

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