Friday, May 21, 2010

Which could be the oldest martial arts school in the west?

Hi, I wonder if you guys could answer me this question: which is the oldest martial arts school in the west (still operating, of course), and where is? Thanks!

Which could be the oldest martial arts school in the west?
Welll, Don Nagle's Isshinryu school is still open in New Jersey, though he has a student running it now. Harry Smith also opened one of the first, and is still teaching somewhere near Lancaster PA.
Reply:In the west i wouldn't necessarily worry about the oldest school, but rather finding a highly ranked instructor. from personal experience i know a jujitsu instructor with a 10th degree black belt, yet he recently moved to Georgia, thus, his school is fairly new. if you are concerned with the age of a school, your efforts in such a pursuit would be spent better looking in japan or china or the homeland of whatever art you want to learn.
Reply:oldest is not nessisarally the best, fin a certified school with great teachers.

i used to learn tea kwon do under a grand master but i must say its way better in Tang Soo Do under a sam dan
Reply:If there is a Shuri-ryu karate dojo in Phoenix that is descended from Robert Trias' original school--founded in the 1940s--that might be a good candidate for oldest in the U.S.
Reply:grandmaster ark yuey wong in seattle 1922.
Reply:i practice aikido, as did the samurai and monks as well, so, thats pretty old.

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