Monday, November 16, 2009

What affect does martial arts have on you?

does it work with you side by side, do you constantly think about training or is it just a hobby

how would you invlolve religion into martial arts

i am a buddhist even though i dont sometimes practice it but the princaple and philosophy are the same

and are you religious, do you need a superior power looking over you or are you an atheist

for bjj, judo guys

when you do a submission do you think about doing it or do you just respond naturaly

ps sorry for my last question

i did get some very intresting comments and yes you are right it does depend on the person, and i was being arragont and ignoring other arts potenitial


What affect does martial arts have on you?
My religion doesn't approve of Muay Thai Kickboxing, I'm Catholic.

I am religious, but I don't feel that Muay Thai Kickboxing is a sin, but they think it is because it's very violent.

I love it because it keeps me in shape, aggressive, and fast.

I feel life is better and I feel a lot more content after being in this martial arts, all my aggression goes out on the bag or my opponent.
Reply:ive been doing martials arts for the bigger part of my life and i just started BJJ not too long ago and its all i think about. its great. and to answer your question when im grappling im just always trying to be in control in some fashion and get into the best posistion to do a submission.
Reply:Constantly about

i think martial arts is its own religion in a way, i mean, normaly arts have a set of rules you respect right? these rules come directly from Budhist teachings but they could come from any religion because they are basicaly what all religions teach, respect your neighbour, live well, seek out self improvenment above all else, respect people.........

I pray to god I just sont like the rest of the christian religion :) I like every religions teachings and do my best to follow it and give thanx to God as much as i can

In BJJ you just do it, if you see a hand you go for it, if they give you their neck, well, theres a choke. Doing the move automaticaly usualy happons straight away when your sparing but doing it well, thats what takes time and practice
Reply:I like it as a hobby, however, it also boost self confidence, helps keep me in shape, and also helps me control my emotions as needed, and as far as executing certain moves, particular submission, after you have done it in sparring and practicing it so many times it just comes kind of naturally when you need to execute that particular move,as far as my religion, yes i am christian and in my opinion every should give credit to the greater power that created all of us, however that's just my opinion, i have no intentions of starting any arguments or offending any one Else's beliefs, everyone has different beliefs.
Reply:I started shaolin hung fut kung fu and I've gotta tell ya man It feels great I can feel my body getting stronger only after 2 weeks but you have to find a good school.
Reply:health, self defence

baby flowers

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